Thursday, August 5, 2010


I am proud to be from Redneck blood lines. Some think the term Redneck is a demeaning term, it isn't to me. Some use the term to belittle someone, but when they do they are only belittling the men who fought, and stood up for what they believed to be right.
The term first came around in 1921 in West Virginia. During the early 1900's Coal Companies owned everything, whole towns, stores, even printed their own money. Living conditions were horrid. Miners began organizing, and the Coal Companies began hiring Private Detectives, and also Local Law Men to keep the Miners from Organizing.
The Miners finally determined rallied in Charleston West Virginia and began a long march to Logan County West Virginia to the final stop at Blair Mountain Along the way Miners to identify each other tied red bandannas around their necks which is where the term redneck comes from.

The Battle of Blair Mountain is an interesting part of sometimes forgotten U.S. History.

My Grand Father on my Father's side was a Redneck, and I am proud of it.

Info on this time in U.S. History can be found at the links below.

1 comment:

  1. I think being called a redneck is a compliment!!
    Anyone who thinks otherwise can kiss my redneck hillbilly ass!!!!
